US studies
Data collection: $500/person
Reporting: starting at $5,000
Video editing: starting at $3,500

Data collection: $1000/person
Reporting: starting at $5,000
Video editing: starting at $3,500
Let us recruit highly qualified candidates from our proprietary database for you while your dedicated Project Manager designs, recruits, screens, programs, manages, and supports your study every step of the way. Get video answers in days for US studies, and fewer than 14 days for international projects. Reports typically take fewer than 5 days to complete.
A dedicated mindswarms research expert crafts your objective-driven study based on best practices, designed to evoke the most insightful responses.
We hand pick the best respondents from around the world from our proprietery database, and ensure they are most qualified for your study.
We ensure every video answer meets visual and audio standards, and kindly request respondents who don't meet these standards re-record before receiving their payment for participation.
After we QA video responses, we seamlessly handle payments to participants via PayPal within 24 hours of their successful completion.
Rich text transcripts are provided for every video answer. Translation services are available for international studies.
A dedicated project manager is assigned to ensure your study runs smoothly.
We identify the key insights from your study and create a full report of the findings. Reports can be a question-by-question format, or thematic.
Our team edits your video answers into a dynamic highlight reel to bring the findings to life. Fidelity can range from static title cards and selfie video snippets, to edits that include music, b roll and motion graphics.
We can turn around general audience studies overnight for a premium.
We identify the key insights from your study and create a full report of the findings. Reports can be a question-by-question format, or thematic.
Our team edits your video answers into a dynamic highlight reel to bring the findings to life. Fidelity can range from static title cards and selfie video snippets, to edits that include music, b roll and motion graphics.
We can turn around general audience studies overnight for a premium.
No subscription is required. Prices listed below are “starting at” – economies of scale are available for larger sample studies.
Data collection: $500/person
Reporting: starting at $5,000
Video editing: starting at $3,500
Data collection: $1000/person
Reporting: starting at $5,000
Video editing: starting at $3,500
Close-ups provide a unique way to read subtle, yet important, facial cues. Gather perceptions on brands, communications, services, products, environments and more.
Consumers are more stimulated and articulate holding - or doing - something. Ask them to Show you an object, give you a tour of their space (closet, fridge, storage) or walk you through a process.
Get spontaneous reactions to concepts: attach an advertising concept, website design, video or any other asset. Capture visceral and emotional responses to your materials or prompts.
Send consumers to retail and have them provide genuine feedback on in-store signage, menu messaging, buying journeys, product trial, service staff or the overall experience.