Get visceral and authentic reactions to new ad concepts

Evaluate resonance, relevance and overall impressions of new concepts, platforms, messages, headlines, and taglines.

How the process works

    • Identify concepts, segments and prepare testing materials (e.g. existing campaign, platform, characters, music etc) for participant feedback
    • Work with our Research Managers to design concept testing protocol per segment
    • Use mindswarms remote video capture to gather participant reactions to concept desirability and willingness to pay across segments
    • Use additional inquiry methods to delve deeper into relevant unmet needs surrounding concepts
    • Invite participant to brainstorm ideas (explain or sketch) new or improved concepts

Methods used

    • Concept review and desirability feedback
    • Concept sorting from most to least desired
    • Feature set and content category sorting and prioritization
    • Willingness to pay inquiry to identify perceived concept value
    • Participatory brainstorming to surface concept improvements and new concepts

Timing and cost

    • Concept Testing studies can take from 1 to 5 days or more to complete, depending on study complexity
    • Typical projects involve 15+participants
    • Fees including screener development, study management, recruiting, hand-selecting the best candidates, QA of videos, respondent incentives, and transcripts @$500/person for US respondents, and $1,000/person for international markets
    • Fees for optional analysis start at $7,500 for a report on a 15 person study, and $12,500 for a 30 person study
    • Fees for optional edited video start at $5,000 for a 90-120 second highlight reel with title cards and music (B roll and motion graphics are extra)


15 participants each answer 10 questions using the video on their smartphone or laptop. That produces 150 x 1 minute video clips and corresponding transcripts (both Google Speech, and a parallel service that includes a human’s eyes to capture important nuances).

All delivered via a cloud-based link that is shareable, and assets that can be downloaded (videos in MP4 format) to be used to bring the insights to life for presentations, and highly engage audiences


A leading telco launched a new campaign platform, and was curious to understand (a) how the campaign resonated in the real world and (b) what could be done to it to extend its shelf life in the most meaningful ways to consumers. 30 consumers from across the country completed studies that linked them to the campaigns so they could provide their personal and genuine reactions to the platform, the individual ads, as well as the advertising elements (music, tone, characters and more).

The net result was that the client learned the platform was indeed resonant, but there were disconnects when the platform connected to generic product offerings they could obtain from competitors

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